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Macon Community News

The Macon Newsroom

Macon Community News

The Macon Newsroom

The Candidates for the Macon-Bibb County District 2 Commission

Commissioner Paul Bronson is seeking re-election to the District 2 seat and facing opposition from Wallace Herring. The district covers most of the downtown area and then south to Guy Paine Road.

The Murphy Center for Collaborative Journalism and its partners the Georgia Trust for Local News, GPB and 13WMAZ contacted the candidates to share their platforms and reasons for seeking elected office.

Below is an edited version of what we received. Herring did not respond to a request for information.

Paul Bronson, 38, was first elected as the District 2 Commissioner in 2020. His professional experience prior to running for election includes time served as a firefighter and as a human resources officer in the United States Army Reserves.

Paul Bronson, Macon-Bibb County District 2 Commissioner (Provided)

He served as an Army Reserve Corps Officer, a White House Intern and he has experience on the Macon-Bibb and Fire and Police Pension Boards.

He said his goals are to finish the development of the MLK Small and Minority Business District, push developments to fight the food deserts in Pleasant Hill and Houston Avenue and fight chronic flooding issues in Amerson Park, Clairmont, Shirley Hills and Baconsfield. 

He also wants to increase pedestrian safety near schools, find better ways to address illegal dumping and speed concerns to be addressed with speed calming devices, track cameras and increased law enforcement presence.

Q: Why are you running for office?

A: Running for reelection and to continue the great work this administration has done thus far. 

Q: What are your plans and ideas for improving Macon/Bibb if elected?

A: If I am afforded the opportunity to serve as Commissioner for another term, we would work to improve and build upon the amazing things we’ve already accomplished. I would work to finalize the last phase of the MLK Small and Minority Business District and break grounds for new development that would bridge the gap between Downtown and South Macon. 

Pushing development into Houston Ave and Pleasant Hills we would address the known food desert, and add additional safety measures and beautification. Moving toward the North and East sides, we would partner with MWA to tackle known flooding areas that affect places such as Amerson Park, Clairmont, Shirley Hills, and Baconsfield. 

I would address pedestrian safety near churches, medical facilities, and schools, like Mercer University and Bruce Elementary. Lastly, tighten up on illegal dumping and speed concerns throughout the district with additional speed calming devices, track cameras, and law enforcement presence.


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