Macon-Bibb County Urban Development Authority for Oct. 8, 2020

Members present: Chris Sheridan (chair), Alex Morrison (executive director), Kay Gerhardt, Dr. Charles Callender, Blake Sharpton, Susan Garcia, Victoria Jessie, Charles Richardson, Gregory Brown, Cole Thomason, Jan Beeland and Loretta Thomas

Financial Report:

Current budget shows deficit. It is predicted that next year there be a similar deficit. The UDA is hoping for higher appropriation from Macon/Bibb next year.

Next year expecting $150,000 deficit. This was intentional given decision to increase staff. The UDA can sustain this for about two years but will then need additional sources of revenue.

Operating statements for August: There was an update with a report on the changes that will be made to the statement available to the UDA. These were minor changes.

Agenda Items:

Bond Inducement Request Alex Morrison presented on the bond inducement request: the Lofts at Willingham Mill.This is the first project by this company in Georgia (most of their work has been done in Texas).Alex spoke to the need for quality affordable housing. Didn’t have a strong view on the company (pretty neutral on that) except that they have a good record of this type of development. Action required: No action required other than to approve their request so expenses can be paid and work can begin. Taking this action would voice support for the project and allow it to get started. Also signaling intent to apply for bonds. The bond inducement request was approved with a potential impact of additional affordable housing in Macon.

Lease Agreement  – Rotary Park (Dog park). Discussion of lease of Dog park on Riverside Drive.Kat Lambert would be the tenant. She is asking for 5 years, paying $100 a year. She would be responsible for management.UDA owns the land and New Town operates it.Cole asked that the Rotary Clubs be asked for their views as a courtesy.

Old Business (Update on Train Recreation Center). Blake: The original and current idea is to renovate the building and relocate UGA co-operative extension to the renovated building. Piedmont construction company has estimated that renovation will be in the $2 million range. Macon/Bibb would contribute to these expenses and then pursue Historic Tax credits in the $6-700,000 range. UDA would have a facilitating role in developing an LLC for this project. The project is likely to be approved by the end of this year under current administration. The model is almost exactly the same as the development of the Mill Hill Auditorium except that the UDA would be working with Macon/Bibb rather than the Arts Alliance.

New Business: This is Chris Sheridan’s last meeting as a board member of the UDA. Kay will become chair of the UDA. New appointment to the board is before the mayor.

Discussion Items:

Dempsey (Sharon Erickson, Property Manager)1. Dempsey: 99% occupancy. Over 90 people on waiting list. 2. Generator: needed to be replaced. The expense will be paid from reserve account. 3. No residents have had Covid. 4. Update on storefront: The tenant needs inspections to be completed. 5. Sharon will send her maintenance people to the storefront that is up for rent to replace the damaged ceiling tiles.

Mill Hill. Victoria reported on what needs to be done to be prepared for the Open House: Some cleaning. Agency partners have helped get the word out on the Open House on October 10, 1-3 pm. Three properties will be shown.

Parking updates. Alex reported that income has increased every month since initial wave of closures in the spring. Trending in the right direction (but still less than last year so not enough money to do more projects).