Bears’ Beat Report: Daybreak Pt II

Devyn Mode: Hi I’m Devyn Mode with Mercer University’s Bear’s Beat. This week I talked to preceptor Kayli Martin about the work the ethics classes are doing in the community.

Fifty ethics students and fifteen preceptors are working on about a dozen projects at Daybreak, a resource for those struggling with housing insecurity and homelessness.

Kayli Martin: I’m Kayli Martin, I’m a senior here at Mercer. I am an ethics preceptor for Dr. Thomas’ Intro to Ethics class. They are doing projects with Daybreak which is a daytime homeless shelter in Macon. Each preceptor is over three projects a piece and we’re just helping them if they run into any snags or getting the supplies they need, forms, permission to film people, things like that.

Devyn Mode: The ethics students designed their own projects based on their interests and skills. While the project is about teaching ethics, it is also about helping those who are vulnerable in the community.

Kayli Martin: Mine, one is one person doing the whole projects. She is a licensed cosmetologist and she is doing skincare and a spa day for the ladies at Daybreak. The other group is a tailgate day where they’re going to cater Zaxby’s and bring cornhole and other big tailgate games out to Daybreak and just kind of have a big party for them. The other is a weekly, well bi-weekly game night. They bring checkers and other board games to play with them.

The point of it is that they’re going to learn about three different types of ethics and they are going to apply those ethical philosophies to their projects.