Bears’ Beat Report:De-Stressing for College Students

While it is important to know how to study and pass your assignments as a college student. It’s also important to know when it’s time to take a break and relax. For college students, that can be a really difficult task to accomplish. Finding a relaxation method is critical to staying healthy mentally on this journey. I walked around Mercer’s campus to see if a few college students can give us some pointers on what they do to de-stress from college life.

“To de-stress in college, I kind of just watch youtube videos, I get on Instagram and look at social media, and I also just like to make jewelry in my free time. So yeah those are some ideas that I de-stress,” says Alexis Quarcoo, a student at Mercer University.

“In my free time in college, I like to swim. It’s a really good stress reliever. I’m pretty good at it. So I like swim I like to like just watch Netflix, calm down and I like to focus on my skin care. So I have like a skin care routine that I do, and that really helps me to just like simmer down after a long day,” says Myla Swint, a student at Mercer University.

In my free time really to stress I like to get away from school and listen to music. It’s something that I didn’t really know I liked until college. It’s kind of like a form of meditation and kind of. It gives you time to think about yourself and your life in general,” says Will Anthony, a student at Mercer University.

What I do to de-stress that I would be to hang out with like friends that I’m like used to early I watch Netflix on my free time or I just like even when you’re surrounded with a lot of people I can be very overwhelming. So at least take a time out and spend like 10 minutes by yourself if you need to. Just like calm yourself down and to like re-energize,” says Riddhi Nirmal, a student at Mercer University.

“Well normally you listen to music or something or maybe watch Netflix. Just get my mind off all the work I have to do,” says Ryan Wise, a student at Mercer University.

I usually like to look for somewhere around campus because I like nature you know… So I’ll probably go to like Tattnall Park or behind Adams Winship to like sit and relax by the water fountain and everything and just kind of clear my head and my thoughts and just relieve myself of like anything that was stressing me out from the day and stuff like that. So, that’s what I do too de-stress,” says Tayla Scott.