13 Posts That Describe Living At Home During Quarantine

Life is tough for everyone right now. There are so many moods to describe what it is like being stuck inside with nothing to do. Here are a few posts that are hopefully both funny and relatable that may bring you some laughter while you are self-isolating at home.

1. Who doesn’t love Friends? Rachel Green’s words are super relatable through this tweet from @benoobrown.

2. Being stuck inside may seem aggravating, and that is exactly what Coraline conveys through these images from this tweet from @_Abhorrence. (Side note: Coraline is a great movie to watch during quarantine if you haven’t seen it.)

3. All days of the week are jumbled together and I can’t even keep track of when the weekend is. Even Homer from The Simpsons doesn’t know what day it is through this Instagram post from @quarantine_memes.

4. Many people are fortunate enough to have pets to entertain them at home. However, some take this to extremes. Watch what happens when @MatthewFoldi uses his creativity through his tweet of a TikTok video from @yungavess.

5. It seems as though many girls cannot leave their house to cut or fix their hair, so they take things in their own hands. This is another image taken from The Simpsons that was posted on Instagram from @intothegloss.

6. It seems as if the only thing to do everyday (besides schoolwork) is watching TV, eating, and sleeping. It sounds nice until it becomes a reality. This tweet from @emeer_v is all too relatable.

7. From someone that needs structure to stay sane, this is hilarious because I have been spending way too much time on my phone. @KevinFarzas tweeted his own schedule that many people can agree with.

8. While staying inside, things can get very boring. Anything can entertain us. This tweet by @jillboard is funny in so many ways.

9. I have not worn “real” clothes since quarantine started. I have only worn t-shirts and shorts, and sometimes I even wear them for more than one day. This Instagram post is a tweet from @wolfiecomedy that describes how she plans her outfits during quarantine.

10. As a student, I have Zoom calls for my classes and meetings. Sometimes, I look really rough since I don’t get ready everyday. This Instagram post from @inconfinementwetrust is both cute and funny!

11. This video posted by @sainthoax on Instagram is very comedic. It is a scene taken from Barbie’s Princess and The Pauper (which was one of my favorite movies as a child).

12. This is a creative graph that I think represents all the places someone could be in their house. This Instagram post from @marcorchuelomaillo somewhat replicates the subways lines you would see in a big city.

13. Lastly, we all know that when we are told to do something, it makes us not want to do it. Nobody likes to do anything by force. This tweet by @FinessedYT is something we all may have felt at some point.

Whether you are an extrovert or introvert, you may have felt any or all of these things while staying at home. Although this may be frustrating at times, know that we are all in this together and this time will come to an end.