Open Records/Open Government

Minimal oversight led to misspent money meant for Pleasant Hill, records show
GDOT paid $180,000 to build a home for nonprofit created by Rep. James Beverly

A Georgia voter’s guide to campaign finance research
Who is funding who? Here's where to look

Macon-Bibb Agencies Graded for Online Accessibility
Students looked at legal requirements and online information that might be of public interest

CCJ Students Grade Government Agencies on Transparency
Students requested open records from local and state agencies

Macon-Bibb Industrial Authority provides quick response
Grade A for contact and response

Georgia Attorney General’s Office gets mixed grade
C for ease of contact but A for response

Analysis of Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice Open Record Request Process
Gets B for contacts/process and A for response

Macon Transit Authority Complicates an Open Record Request
Receives a 'B' rating for the contact process and a 'B/C' rating for communication

Testing the Georgia Department of Corrections Open Records Request
Gets A on communication and B on compliance.

Macon-Bibb County Commission has quick response time
Gets As for Communication and Compliance with Open Records Request