About The Macon Newsroom
The Macon Newsroom is a non-profit newsroom focused on accountability and solutions-oriented journalism. The newsroom operates out of Mercer University’s Reg Murphy Center for Collaborative Journalism and is a member of the Institute for Nonprofit News (INN).
Original content from The Macon Newsroom and its staff and students may be republished with credit to the reporter and The Macon Newsroom. Both the reporter name and the organization name should be included with the published piece. Pieces cannot be placed behind paywall. Editorial changes to the story itself are not allowed without written permission. If you need to edit stories for length or time references, you need to include a note at the bottom of the story. Photos and other images may only be used with the story and only if they were produced by The Macon Newsroom. If you have any questions, please email Debbie Blankenship at blankenship_dr@mercer.edu
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