Feeding Faith: Building Connections Through Campus Ministries


Many college students will tell you that free food is a great way to grab their attention. At Mercer University, the UKirk campus ministry is helping students open up to one another to talk about faith with the help of a free meal.

“The first time I came I really had no clue what this was about, but there was free food so I was like okay,” said student Abby Boyd.

Boyd first joined the UKirk ministry two years ago. The free meal lured her in, but she was hungry for something more.

“I found myself before UKirk just kind of – if I went to church, I would go with some friends and I would go here one week and here the next and ever since UKirk I’ve found a church home that I’ve stayed at,” she said.

“I think the students find something here that they don’t find any place else on campus. A place where they can truly be themselves, be honest about their questions, their reality, their experiences and grow together in Christ,” said pastor Marilyn Tucker.

Tucker says food along with bible study is a way of showing love.

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