Know a talented teen resembling Emmett Till? The movies are calling
Emmett Till
The casting call is out for an outstanding young actor who looks like and shares the personality traits of Emmett Till.
In South Georgia later this year, Valdosta-based RKDS Entertainment & Media is set to begin filming the story of the 14-year old Black child beaten and shot to death in Mississippi in 1955.
The boy was visiting from Chicago and allegedly flirted with a white woman four days before her husband and brother forced Emmett to carry a 75-pound cotton gin fan to the river bank.
He was savagely beaten, shot in the head and tied to the fan before his body was thrown into the river.
The audition notice states the independent movie studio plans a “dramatic unique film” to be shot around Valdosta.
“You must have outstanding acting experience – and be very knowledgeable of Emmett Tills’ story. Must have a personality and looks very similar to Emmett Till,” the notice reads.
Script writer Roy Kirkland announced the casting call on his Facebook page late last month.
Those interested in the paid, non-SAG role, are asked to submit video resumes to [email protected] by Sept. 30.