5 virtual mental health services to get you through social distancing

In times of uncertainty, stress is high. With constant access to the news and social media, fear and anxiety are inevitable for some. The practices of social distancing and self-quarantine add an additional element to the emotional distress one may be feeling at the time. A study from The Lancent medical journal found that practices of isolation such as social distancing can cause stress disorders, anxiety, insomnia and other mental health struggles. Though the world is staying indoors and in-person interaction is nearly halted, counseling and mental health services are still available digitally. Here are five helpful virtual resources to support you and your mental health:

 Mercer University Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

 In order to support students facing the onset effects of social distancing, Mercer’ CAPS have stepped up to provide students with virtual counseling sessions. Counseling is available for all students, both returning to CAPS and new, who reside in the state of Georgia. For students living outside of the state, CAPS provides information to help source in-state counseling services.

“It is incredibly important to continue providing counseling services at this time as people are being faced with new challenges which can impact our mental health,” said Corey Wetzel, assistant director of CAPS at Mercer. “Anxiety related to all of the uncertainty and the unknown is difficult to face at times like these.”

Disaster Distress Hotline

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has a Disaster Distress Hotline, which provides crisis counseling for those experiencing emotional distress caused by human or natural disasters and traumatic events.

Talkspace Online Therapy

Talkspace is an online therapy company. After doing a personal assessment, you will be matched with a therapist that meets your needs. Their services include video chat and text message therapy.


Betterhelp is another web-based counseling service. After taking a questionnaire, individuals are matched with a counseling professional. Services are delivered through text, phone call or video.


If you are looking for something to occupy your mind, Headspace is a mindfulness app created to help put your stress at ease. The app guides you through a free, ten-day course in meditation to help with focus, sleeping and other stress-induced problems.