WMUB Reports: Working the Night Shift

Jacob Lugenbeel interviewing Major Brown at the Waffle House on 840 Riverside Dr, Macon Georgia. 

Who are the people that work after the offices are closed, and what affect does having the late shift have on these workers?

Lugenbeel: Can you state your first and last name for me? 

Brown: My name is Major Brown 

Lugenbeel: What brought you to Macon?

Brown: Uh we emigrated here. My mother picked a spot on the map and we moved here

Lugenbeel: what is a fun fact about yourself? 

Brown: Fun fact, I do music engineering, all kinds of music. 

Lugenbeel: How long have you been working here? 

Brown: I've been working with Waffle House for about five-six years. 

Lugenbeel: What is your job here?

Brown:I just actually got promoted to third shift manager. 

Lugenbeel: Did you know about the late hours when you started or applied? 

Brown: I applied in 2013 and I didn't know how the hours were gonna feel, because nights were new to me. It's faster but has a slower pace.

Lugenbeel: How has these hours affected your life? 

Brown: You are like a vampire, you know, you sleep most days and work all night. Yeah, no having out, because most of the time when you work my schedule you work weekends and nights and on the weekend your friends tend to sleep in the day and go out at night on the weekend. 

Lugenbeel: Do you like the hours  

Brown: I think I like it because it gives me time to actually meet people at night and make new connections in my area of loving music.