Macon Music Showcase Brings Local Artists to the Spotlight

Amyre Makupson/Center for Collaborative Journalism, Mercer University: When you think of music in Macon, chances are names like Otis Redding, The Allman Brothers, even Little Richard come to mind. But what about names like Louise Warren, James Worsham or even Charles Davis – have you heard of them? Happening right now, there’s a movement to bring some of those lesser known artists into the spotlight.

James Worsham/Singer/Songwriter: Everybody knows about Macon’s music past and that’s amazing but to really call yourself a music town, we really need to be supporting and cultivating the current scene.

Singer/Songwriter James Worsham recently moved to Macon.

James Worsham/Singer/Songwriter: the same concept and theme kept coming up and it was there’s not much support from the community for original music here anymore.

So James, teamed up with Macon Music, a local music show on WMUB, to present a Music Town Songwriters Showcase … allowing Macon artists to take the stage at the Society Garden one night a month to play for a hometown crowd, for free.

Steve Moretti/Co-Host, Macon Music: I think there’s plenty of music to be had here in Macon and plenty of diverse music. It’s just a question of getting the community out to support them on a regular basis and that’s what this showcase will hopefully do.

It just kicked off in April. The showcase is gearing up for its next concert later this month.

James Worsham/Singer/Songwriter: Right now we’re just trying to find people who are in Macon, or in the area, that are writing their own songs and want a place to play them in a safe environment to where the audience is there to hear original songs.

The goal is to keep Macon music moving forward.

Steve Moretti/Co-Host, Macon Music: Having something for artists to work towards, right? So there’s a showcase now that artist area hearing about, they want to be on it so this will inspire artists to want to keep creating and working on songs and working on new material.

In the hopes that Macon’s musical future …

Steve Moretti/Co-Host, Macon Music: We’re trying to keep moving out musical heritage in the right, in a forward direction, I should say. I think this provides an opportunity to make that happen and become a reality and hopefully propel this new chapter in our rich music history book.

Can live up to its history.

James Worsham/Singer/Songwriter: We can really make Macon a music town again.

Amyre Makupson/Center for Collaborative Journalism, Mercer University: The showcase is the last Wednesday of every month over the summer. To find out more about it and other events highlighting Central Georgia artists … search for the Macon Music group on Facebook and request to join.

Join Macon Music on facebook here.