Why more Middle Georgia couples are waiting to become parents

Photo courtesy of Sara McClelland-Brown.

Rev. Sarah McClelland-Brown and her family.

For Sarah McClelland-Brown and her husband, the decision of when to have a child wasn’t a simple one.

When she was 25, and just three weeks before completing her master’s degree, she met, Jon Brown,who would become her husband.

Now 30, she is a mother and a pastor. Her husband also is a minister.

McClelland-Brown said finances, education and communication played roles in their child-rearing decisions.

“Personally, I wanted to be done with my ordination process,” she said. “It is later, but I needed to finish school first.”

After she got married, McClelland-Brown and her husband waited a while before having kids. They wanted to take some time to further establish their relationship as a married couple and develop their communication skills before having kids.

Read the full story here.