Local Artist Engages the Community with his Art Gallery

Emma Quintal

Dsto Moore poses at his photo gallery.

On May 28, Macon native Dsto Moore closed his photo exhibit “Take a Walk in my Shoes” at the Macon Arts Alliance.

“Take a Walk in my Shoes” featured full-length portraits of Maconites, accompanied by a short bio and displayed the shoes the subjects wore in the photo.

Moore’s show featured Macon drag queens, artists and the homeless. Moore recognized that taking someone’s shoes to display would leave some of his subjects without their only pair of shoes, so he offered to purchase new shoes for them.

Moore started photography about six years ago, when he bought a camera off of QVC. He decided to take some photography classes because he “thought it would be easy.”

Moore said, “It’s not as easy as people think it is. It takes a lot of trial and error.”

Moore originally wanted to be a fashion photographer, but quickly decided that he wanted to be able to tell the stories of those in his community.

Moore used his skills as a people person to discover the stories of members of his community. “I have the gift of gab,” he said. This ability of Moore’s to talk easily has allowed him to make deep connections with his subjects.

Moore said, “Anybody who is in front of my camera, I don’t really call them my clients, they become part of my family.”

Moore realized that some of his “family” may never have the ability to experience art shows in real life, so when this show opened, Moored offered his subjects rides, enabling them to see their own pictures on display. 

Starting June 4, Moore will have more of his photography shows at the McEachern Art Center in an exhibit called “My Bike.” According to the Den, the show will highlight people who bike to get to work, school, to run errands or to improve their health.