As everyone knows, Mercer decided to cancel in-person classes for the rest of the semester. This means many of us are going home early and that we no longer have our spring festivities like Bearstock and our second Dead Day to finish out the year. You may be wondering how to stay connected to Mercer despite all that we’re losing due to the coronavirus pandemic. So, here are 7 ways to nourish your “Inner Bear” during the quarantine, keeping Mercer on your mind!
1: Keeping in Touch with Friends
Finding time to text, call, FaceTime, or interact with your friends can keep you sane and give you an anchor to Mercer while you’re away.
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2: Focusing on Why You Came to Mercer
You can take the extra free time to really look into your major and make sure you’re accomplishing all you came for and more!
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3: Reading Your School Email Regularly
We receive a ton of information from our professors, Mercer faculty, and SGA members on our Mercer emails. Make sure to check it regularly so you won’t miss a beat while you’re at home.
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4: Reading The Den!
We now have this new website to keep us up to date now that we’re not on campus anymore. Take advantage of our new resource to engage with our fellow Mercerians!
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5: Planning to Stay Connected to Mercer
You have time to make plans for next year whether it’s dorm decorations or that extra minor you’ve been thinking about picking up. For seniors, you have time to think on how you’re going to use your Mercer degree for success!
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6: Using Online Learning to Your Advantage
Many of our schedules are much more flexible now that we work online. Manage your time wisely so you can do well in your classes and keep a positive outlook on school in general. It’s 4.0 season!
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7: Preventing Stress
Mercer has given us reasons to be grateful by protecting our health. It’s only right that you do your part in protecting it as well. Take some time out for self care and make sure to bring yourself back in one piece. Go bears!
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These are only seven of the many ways that we can find to ground ourselves. How do you “bear” with being separated from Mercer?